Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Impact the Community!
Help MARA make a difference
There are many ways to get involved
from voting, volunteering, or education.
Here are ways you can help:
Become Empowered
Voting once a year is not enough: we must be engaged to save our country. Currently we are often expected to pick between the "lesser of two evils" in elections, often with no candidate we strongly like. This leads to bad government, and a feeling of powerlessness. Why get involved?
YOU are the leaders of politics, not those elected in public office. Your vote and involvement dictates the future. The MARA is providing the tools so YOU can improve politics and hold elected officials accountable to what you believe.
The Republican Party must stand for good. Through information on how to run for public office or Republican Party leadership, we assist people who want to improve Republican politics. We provide connections to like minded consultants, advisors, donors, and other grassroots groups so YOU have the tools to succeed.
Grow Education
Candidates just want to win, and the RNC seems to be focused solely on corporate cronyism. The media often can't be trusted. So who shows the public how what we believe helps all peoples' lives?
To win elections, Republicans must stand for the truth, and show people how that truth improves society, not just for a few months during election years, but every day of every year. That is why the MARA exists: to educate others on how Republican principles are good for society; to inform the public on which candidates are actually committed to principle and not just power; and to show people how they can support, get involved with, and if necessary, improve their county, district, state, or national Republican Party.
There are dozens of opportunities to meet elected officials, hear political speakers, and attend free political events every month around Massachusetts with various political groups. Most Republicans don't know these exist.
There are thousands of people who want to see the Republican Party stand up for its values and limited government principles who want to see better representation in government. They have no way to work together or communicate with each other to make this happen.
The MARA is solving this problem. We advertise to the public and engage people in the political process. We provide people with the opportunities to learn about issues, talk to politicians and to work together to replace those who refuse to listen.
P.O. Box 550004
North Waltham, MA 02455