MARA Principles and Application
(click here to download)
Unalienable Rights
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Judeo-Christian Foundation
Parental Rights, Choice and Competition
Limited Taxation
Eliminate Punitive Income & Other Taxes
Free Enterprise
The foundation of civil society, which should be enshrined & protected in law.
Sanctity of Life
"With Liberty and Justice for All - Born and Unborn."
National Defense
Strong and consistent, with no accommodation for tyranny or terror.
Right to Keep & Bear Arms
Shall Not Be Infringed.
Victim's Rights
We support restitution systems for victims to deter crime and recidivism.
National Sovereignty
We support fair trade and competition with other nations and we oppose
deference to foreign governments & laws.
Decentralized Government
We affirm the principle of Federalism. Individuals are sovereign and the governments closest to the individual
are most responsive to their needs.